Monday, December 1, 2014

Homemade Vanilla Yogurt

Probiotics are the good guys in your gut. Probiotics are live microorganisms that live in your intestine and benefit your body. They are usually bacteria, but they can be yeast as well. Probiotics help your body synthesize vitamins, break down bile acids, improve your immune system, among other things. One great source of probiotics is yogurt. Yogurt is very simple to make, and tastes amazing!

Gather all your ingredients: 1 gallon milk, 1 package gelatin, 8 ounces plain yogurt, 1 tablespoon vanilla, 1 (3 oz) box instant vanilla pudding, ¼ cup dry milk, and ½ cup honey. 

First of all, fill a 5 quart crockpot with some water and heat on low. If you heat it without water, the ceramic can break or explode. 

Next pour the milk and the gelatin in saucepan and heat over medium heat.

Heat until the milk reaches 190 F. This ensures that the gelatin sets up, but be careful not to boil the milk to prevent scalding.

Once it reaches 190 F, remove from the heat and allow to cool to 110-120 F. If it is hotter than this, the heat will kill the bacteria. If it is cooler than this, the bacteria will not have enough heat to grow. Once it is 110-120 F, add 1 cup plain yogurt.

Unplug the crockpot and remove the water. Pour the milk and yogurt mixture into the crockpot.

Immediately wrap in a towel to help retain the heat and let sit in a warm place for 7-8 hours. Do not stir or disturb the crockpot during this time because this will prohibit the bacteria growth.

After the 7-8 hours, the bacteria will have had time to grow, and it will be very chunky. Beat until smooth. Now you have plain yogurt. Add the dry milk for plain greek yogurt. Save a cup as starter for your next batch of yogurt.

Add the other ingredients: vanilla, pudding, honey, and dry milk. Experiment with different flavors of pudding to your preference. You can also add jam or pie filling for a fruity flavor yogurt.

After mixing it all together, place in the fridge overnight to finish setting up. Enjoy your homemade yogurt!

Tip that I learned: if you make homemade bread, air out your house before making yogurt. The yeast spores in the air will prevent the bacteria from growing and your yogurt will not turn out. 

You can also omit the last few ingredients if you want plain yogurt. 


  1. Looks awesome! I want to taste some! Just curious, how do you save the starter? In the fridge or freezer?

    1. Either one works, but it depends a little on how long it will be before you use it. This yogurt will keep for eating up to 2 weeks in the fridge. However, if you are using it as starter and storing it in the fridge, use it within 1 week. Otherwise, it keeps up to 4 weeks in the freezer; or 3 months if it is dehydrated.

  2. It's really yummy yogurt! I like it with a bit of homemade jam or jelly mixed in and of course home made granola! :)
